Why work with Reli On Us on a Theft/Shoplifting charges?
We have helped past clients to successfully:
Stay out of jail
Protect their job
Maintain the ability to drive or keep a license
Maintain the ability to travel

Payam Javadi –
An experienced professional dealing with a Theft/Shoplifting cases
Section 334(b) of the Criminal Code (CC)
Fighting a Theft Charge
If you are charged with theft under $5,000 or fraud under $5,000, you should retain the services of a legal professional to assist you.
Theft under $5000 means:
Theft under 5000 means that the property involved in the charge had a value under five thousand ($5000.00) dollars, and the accused took the property without consent.
Although “Theft Under” is considered a minor charge, Theft Under 5000 dollars is still a criminal offence that upon conviction will result in a criminal record.
Criminal records affect you when applying for jobs, traveling or performing criminal record check. If you have an existing criminal lawyer, then the penalty for any subsequent offence is increased due to your record.
Often, theft charges are laid by police and store security as a result of a minor theft or “Shoplifting”. Many times, the theft or shoplifting charge will be the result of an accident, where the accused mistakenly left the business without paying for the item. If it is a case where you inadvertently left the store without paying, a court will likely still consider this action a theft – unless you seek appropriate legal representation to prove otherwise.
Penalties for a conviction of theft under 5000:
- Up to two years imprisonment.
Additional penalties may include:
- A possible criminal record
- An absolute or conditional discharge
- A peace bond (a court order to stay away from the alleged victim)
- A possible fine
Contact us today to book a consultation.
Over 15 in court system our Confidence and knowledge lawyer and paralegals team will achieve only the best results for you.
Helpful Links
Ministry of the Attorney General 1-800-518-7901
Back on Track Remedial Program 1-888-814-5831
Criminal Code of Canada Website Link
Department of Justice Canada 1-613-957-4222
Ignition Interlock 1-866-658-6374